Friday 26 October 2007

It's been a while....

Okay, okay we're very overdue for an update on here (aside from posting up news). Well, in 4 days we'll hit the 6 months mark. Rich has been at work for 3 and a half months, I'm doing some web site work again (for my old UK company) and for those of you who don't know, I'm also a Tupperware demonstrator! Yes, you really have read that right, and no, I'm not pulling your leg. Tupperware is BIG business over here like you would not believe. Even single guys order the stuff and Rich has realised that the money I earn is quite useful.... Enough said about that.

So, what have we been up to? Well, with the warm Spring weather (30 degrees C this week - just to rub it in), we've been to the beach a couple of times, visited Rottnest Island with it's 63 beaches (not that we managed all of those in 1 day!), Rich has had a go at kite surfing and decided he wants to take it up as a hobby. Katie had her 3rd birthday back in September. The photo above is of Katie and her friend Imogen at her birthday party. Our first birthday party at home, great fun but exhausting!

We're all seriously into our coffee which we've probably mentioned before. I took this photo of Katie when she had her first baby cino (it's actually hot chocolate but she thinks she's drinking coffee!) Cafe culture is very much part of our life here and the girls have totally taken it for granted that that's what we do. I was told by Tony last week that when Katie spent the morning with them, not only did she dictate exactly what they were going to do but it included a trip to their local cafe for lunch :o)

One of our favourite things to do here is to go out on our bikes as there are cycle paths everywhere. We've bought trail-gators which attach the girls' bikes to ours so that we can move along at a sensible speed. Rich took this photo of me and Katie weeks ago, probably to show you that I do do a bit of exerise....

And in case you're worried that the rest of the family don't exist, here's one of them at Mandurah beach...

So, reading back that's not a lot of news but it's really hard to remember what we've been doing! Anyway, I hope this gives you a bit more of an insight.
Hope you're all well and aren't thinking too much about Christmas. I was told today that it's only 8 weeks away, I don't think that we'll ever be ready for it as it's soooo not like Christmas time over here. Even the shops having Christmas departments haven't convinced me, although I think Isabel and Katie would complain very loudly if Father Christmas missed them out!
Take care all and when you get chance, please get in touch!
The Ramshaws in Oz xxxxx

They're a rough lot here.....

We've laughed out loud at one of today's news stories and felt we had to share it with you....

"CANBERRA (Reuters) - An Australian barmaid has been fined for crushing beer cans between her bare breasts while an off-duty colleague has been fined for hanging spoons from her friend's nipples, police said Wednesday.
Police in Western Australia said the 31-year old barmaid pleaded guilty in the local magistrate's court to twice exposing her breasts to patrons at the Premier Hotel in Pinjarra, south of the state capital, Perth.
The woman "is alleged to have also crushed beer cans between her breasts during one of the offences," in breach of hotel licensing laws, police from the Peel district of Western Australia said in a statement.
The barmaid and the hotel manager were both fined A$1,000 ($900), while an off-duty barmaid was fined A$500 for helping to hang spoons from the woman's nipples, police said.
"It sends a clear message to all licensees in Peel that we will not tolerate this type of behavior in our licensed premises," local police superintendent David Parkinson said."

We'd just like to point out we don't know them, honest!